Noah playing the piano

Noah Lawson is a composer, producer and multi-instrumentalist based in Northumberland, UK.

New album, ‘To Restore What Has Been Lost’, out now!

album cover to restore what has been lost noah lawson

Debut album

‘To Restore What Has Been Lost’

Out now!

During the lock down, Noah has applied his creative energy to producing his first full-length album.

The album, which was composed, performed, recorded, and produced entirely by Noah, is a reflection on the last two years of his life. It takes as its themes his conversion to Christianity, the breakdown and restoration of relationships, the issue of loneliness, and the value of friendship.

The album is Noah’s largest work to date.

Available to stream and download on Spotify, iTunes and all major music services.

Previous Releases

Listen to Noah’s previous releases on Spotify, iTunes or wherever you get your music.

album cover a fragment of the truth, moon in cloudy sky above houses

A Fragment Of The Truth

An EP by Noah Lawson, released March 2019

rainbow above a river

Even in The Cold

First Single from Noah’s Album, ‘To Restore What Has Been Lost’, released April 2020

rainbow above a river

The Run

Second Single from Noah’s Album, ‘To Restore What Has Been Lost’, released July 2020

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Third Single from Noah’s Album, ‘To Restore What Has Been Lost’, released October 2020